Hawkins map of consciousness dowsing chart
Hawkins map of consciousness dowsing chart

hawkins map of consciousness dowsing chart

This positive response is indicated by the body’s musculature going strong. That which is true, beneficial, or pro-life gives a positive response that stems from the impersonal field of consciousness, which is present in everyone living. Later research, however, has revealed that the response is not a local response to the body at all, but instead is a general response of consciousness itself to the energy of a substance or a statement. For many years, the test was thought to be a local response of the body’s acupuncture or immune system. The contextualization “in the highest good” increases accuracy because it transcends self-serving personal interest and motives.

hawkins map of consciousness dowsing chart

The best attitude is one of clinical detachment, posing a statement with the prefix statement, “In the name of the highest good, _ calibrates as true. The higher the levels of consciousness of the test team, the more accurate are the results. It is important to note that the intention, as well as both the tester and the one being tested, must calibrate over 200 in order to obtain accurate responses. If it is not beneficial or has an adverse effect, the arm will go weak. The tester says to the test subject, “Resist,” and if the substance being tested is beneficial to the subject, the arm will be strong.

hawkins map of consciousness dowsing chart

It is usually done by the subject’s holding out an extended arm and the tester pressing down on plexus with the other hand. The kinesiological response (muscle testing) is a simple “yes” or “not yes” (no) response to a specific stimulus.

hawkins map of consciousness dowsing chart

Thus, every person or being whoever lived and anything about them, including any event, thought, deed, feeling, or attitude, is recorded forever and can be retrieved at any time in the present or the future. Everything in the universe radiates a specific frequency or minute energy field that remains in the field of consciousness permanently. Specific levels correlate with human consciousness, and these have been calibrated from “1” to “1,000.” ( Map of the Scale of Consciousness) These energy fields reflect and dominate human consciousness. The energy field of consciousness is infinite in dimension.

Hawkins map of consciousness dowsing chart