"Banagher, you may leave." he exclaimed.The Unicorn fired its Vulcans at her, but the bullets simply bounced off the Kshatriya's heavy armor. "Miss Sumeragi!" The Sleeves thought it was a bomb and covered themselves with their arms. ""Well, it was, in some ways, obvious." Banagher looked back and saw how Marida reached their level and started running at near-superhuman speed towards them. He started crying in pain, hearing an all-too familiar voice in his head, 'However, Allelujah shook his head, "I won't let you take over again!" Frontal then accelerated backwards, and Riddhe became confused. Kati, in charge of the operation, ordered to fire its main cannon, which has damaged the ELS superstructure. "Riddhe Marcenas, pilot of one of the Nahel Argama's ReZELs, was waiting for his turn to launch. "He then turned towards her, in a somewhat scoffing tone he said "Well, the professionals will find that out from you. I doubt that even those new units can beat it!" Audrey blushed at this, as per her education, this was inappropriate. ""It's negotiable," replied Daguza, "but only after our ship has reached a safe location. Great job! Don't forget to stay updated on beatbox news and tips with humanbeatbox."Sumeragi then got a call, it was Christina. Okay, for the next five beats, see if you can do them on your own! Remember to start your practice slowly with a metronome, then work your way up to a faster tempo.

(Capitalization is used only to indicate emphasis on certain sounds.) If you're at all confused by this article, check out the beginner's guide to beat patterns.

Here are the sounds we are going to use in these patterns:

Here are 10 beat patterns that will help you practice the three most basic beatbox sounds, the kick, the hi-hat, and the snare!> Hi everyone, time to learn some more beats!