Tujuan keselamatan kerja
Tujuan keselamatan kerja

Tujuan penelitian ini adalah merumuskan peranan-peranan departemen OHS, menyusun model kompetensi yang sesuai dan menentukan tingkat persyaratan kompetensi di masing-masing jabatan, serta merumuskan program pengembangan di setiap kompetensi.

tujuan keselamatan kerja

Saat ini PT XYZ Indonesia tbk telah memiliki model kompetensi keselamatan kerja untuk area operasional yang berasal dari XYZ global.

tujuan keselamatan kerja

Keywords: competent, occupational safety, human resources, DACUM, AMA Abstrak Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, atau yang juga dikenal sebagai K3, merupakan salah satu tujuan utama dalam operasi PT XYZ Indonesia tbk. Based on the research, it shows that the DACUM modified method is suitable to formulate the competency needed from the unit. The content designed for the competent model are 1) the list of nine main required competencies, 2) the definition of each competency, 3) the level of each competency, 4) the development for each level, 5) the need of the competent level for each job positions. While the other five competencies are related to leadership competent, they are 1) communication, 2) partnering, 3) influencing, 4) building trust & personal accountability, 5) critical & analytical thinking. The four competencies in occupational safety cover 1) OHS mission implementation & tactical planning, 2) controls hazards & manages risks, 3) result oriented OHS, and 4) mastering complexity & manages incidents. The result of the research shows that there are nine main competencies in the department of occupational safety. The research uses DACUM (Developing a Curriculum) modified method and refers to AMA (American Management Association) competent literature.

tujuan keselamatan kerja

The objectives of the research are to define the role of the Occupational safety and health (OSH) department, arrange an appropriate competent model and specify the competent level requirements in each job positions and also formulate a development program for each competency. Currently PT XYZ Indonesia ltd has possessed an occupational safety competent model for the operational area originally from XYZ global. The occupational health and safety known as K3 (Keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja) is one of the main objectives of PT XYZ Indonesia ltd.

Tujuan keselamatan kerja